As the summer of 2018 comes to a close it’s a good time to think about “fall cleaning”. It’s a time to clean out closets, put away our summer clothes and take out our sweaters, jackets and boots. It’s also a good time to do some cleaning at the office. ...
COLLEGES WILL SOON BE GRADUATING THE CLASS OF 2017 Some grads will have jobs awaiting them so we wish them luck in all of your future endeavors. Some do not have jobs waiting and some don’t even know what field they want to be in. Don’t be discouraged! There are...
Just like interviewing potential candidates, you should screen potential staffing firms. Here are some important questions you should ask before choosing. How long have they been in business? What are their recruiting and screening process? Are they available and easy to reach when you need them? Do they have experience...
When companies interview candidates for available positions and they are interested in hiring a certain candidate, it’s important to get feedback to the candidate within the first week. If candidates don’t hear back within the first week, 46% lose interest after 1 week of the interview and if they don’t...