As a full service staffing firm, Connections Personnel is committed to making your job search as simple and rewarding as possible. Our team will get to know you and connect you with jobs that match your skills and experience. Our dedicated sales and recruiting team is constantly working to find you the best jobs in your field.
A growing number of companies are utilizing staffing services to assist with hiring, and that means opportunity. If you are interested in any of our job listings, and would like to be considered for these positions, just fill out our online application and attach your resume. You will be contacted to set up an appointment to meet with a recruiter in the office closest to you. Our jobs change daily so check back often.
If you would like to register for temporary work, you can call for an appointment or fill out an online application.
We offer Sick Pay, Affordable Care Benefits.
Effective 8/31/2019 Connections Personnel will no longer be able to pay bonus pay. The new sick pay law has increased our costs and unfortunately we have no choice but to stop paying bonus pay. We are looking into other options for long term employees and of course should the sick pay law change we will consider starting our bonus pay again. All current employees are eligible for this current year and once the bonus pay check is paid that will be the last one.